
Announcement of The Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University Guidelines for Teaching and Learning during COVID-19

Announcement of The Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University Guidelines for Teaching and Learning during COVID-19

Author: Prapawan Tantrakul/Wednesday, February 3, 2021/Categories: ข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์

Announcement of The Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University

Guidelines for Teaching and Learning during COVID-19


To: All Colleagues in the Faculty of Humanities

With references to Thailand’s government and the University’s announcements on protective measures against the spread of COVID-19, academic staff members are requested to comply to the followings, from February 8, 2021 onwards or until further notice:


  1. Teaching, Learning, and Class Assessment

1.1 For undergraduate programs, all lectures, teaching-learning activities, and class assessments will be delivered via blended teaching and learning. Designs of the courses including course criteria, methods of assessments and evaluation of learning outcomes should be adjusted as appropriate to the nature of the courses. The two alternatives in teaching, learning, and class assessment are as follows:


1.1.1. All lecture-based or theory-based courses will be offered only via online platforms. However, whenever it is necessary to have practice-based teaching and learning, the courses can be provided on campus starting February 8, 2021 onwards.

1.1.2. Any teaching and learning activities of any courses can be continued via online platforms until February 25, 2021. Then, the courses’ instructors hold midterm exams. After the midterm-exam week, the courses will be provided via blended teaching and learning which is appropriated to the nature of the courses.


1.2. In case that students cannot attend any classes because of some limitations, such as very poor internet connections or travel difficulties / restrictions, they will not be marked as absent. By being marked attendance, the students may be given some assignments to complete or the instructors may offer some (online) makeup classes.


1.3. For graduate programs, all lectures, teaching-learning activities, and class assessments will be according to guidelines for teaching and learning during COVID-19 from Graduate School of Srinakharinwirot University.


  1. Organizing Student Activities / Academic Projects for Students

2.1. The chairs and committee members of all student activities / projects will consider adjusting or postponing such activities / projects both on and outside the campus. It is to avoid large gatherings and to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


2.2. In the event that any student activity / project must be held, and gatherings cannot be avoided, physical distancing and protective measures against the spread of COVID-19 must be strictly complied.


  1. Protective Measures against the Spread of COVID-19

3.1. Students, faculty, staff, and other campus visitors must diligently adhere to our COVID-19 safety policy as follows:

3.1.1. Temperature monitoring of all individuals before entering any buildings of the Faculty of Humanities.

3.1.2. Wearing face masks when in elevators, common rooms (e.g., meeting rooms, classrooms), hallways, or other shared spaces.

3.1.3. Keeping at least 1 meter apart from each other.

3.1.4. Cleaning hands properly with alcohol-based hand sanitizers.


3.2. It is advisable to closely follow COVID-19 information updates and University / Faculty of Humanities’ guidelines for teaching and learning during the COVID-19.


     Thank you for your kind cooperation. Stay safe.


Effective date: 2 February 2021




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